Paschalidou Foteini
Ecologie chimique, interactions plantes-insectes, biocontrôle, systèmes de culture
Chargée de recherche
02/2019 - present: Junior Researcher, INRA Versailles-Grignon, FR. Project: Plant-insect interactions and integration of bio-control in different agroecosystems.

05/2015 - 02/2018: Postdoc, ETH Zurich, CH. Project: Plant mediated cues in multitrophic interactions.

02/2011 - 09/2015: PhD Entomology, Wageningen UR, NL. Project: Effects of insect herbivore egg deposition on interactions of plants with their insect community: a multitrophic approach

09/2008 - 02/2011: Research assistant, Wageningen UR, NL. Project: Memory consolidation of parasitic wasps and evolutionary importance regarding host location and suitability

09/2006 - 09/2008: MSc Organic Agriculture, Wageningen UR, NL

09/2000 – 07/2004: BSc Organic Farming, Argostoli, GR